TAIKO Testnet — Final Leg (Thread)

Everything Blockchain
2 min readFeb 1, 2024


$TAIKO update

Set for Q2 release

Final Katla A6 Testnet the last frontier before launch

Dive into the thread for details on how to get in

For more on @taikoxyz

Read my previous thread 👇🧵


Taiko recently released Katla A6 Testnet — the final one before Mainnet

This is your last chance

Boost your odds with these simple steps 👇


Step 1 — Add Network to Wallet

Add Taiko Katla


Add Holesky



Step 2 — Next up we need Holesky ETH

Head to holesky-faucet.pk910.de

Claim Test ETH

Other faucet links




Step 3 — Mint $HORSE

Head to http://bridge.katla.taiko.xyz/faucet

Select network Holesky



Step 4 — Cross over from Holesky to Taiko Katla

Head to https://bridge.katla.taiko.xyz

Connect Wallet

Bridge $HORSE

Bridge $ETH

*you can bridge back and forth


Step 5 — Mint domain

Head to dottaiko.me

Connect Wallet

Enter desired name

If available, MINT

else, opt for a diiferent one and MINT


Step 6 — Engage with the Network

Head to http://swap.katla.taiko.xyz/#/swap

Swap $ETH for your preferred tokens

Explore Pools + Add liquidity

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In pursuit of simplifying the different blocks of the chain metaverse


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Everything Blockchain

Freethinkers, Writers, Blockchain explorers in pursuit of simplifying the different blocks of the chain metaverse.